Preventative VS. Reactive Health Care

Preventative VS. Reactive Health CareYou show up at the emergency room with a broken leg from a biking accident, you visit your doctor because you can’t get off the couch and are running a high fever, or you are anxious about a rash that has spread across your chest so you take a trip to […]

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IV Therapy: Inject Yourself With Health

Since the onslaught of the pandemic in 2020 many consumers have been looking for alternative ways to remain in optimal health. Dietary supplements have been flying off the shelves and sales of products that support the immune system have skyrocketed. One popular trend (which has been around since the 1950’s) in the naturopathic world is […]

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What You Should Know About CoQ10

What You Should Know About CoQ10Coenzyme Q10, commonly known as CoQ10, is a naturally occurring compound which is found in every cell of our body. If you can remember back (for some of us, WAY back) to your biology classes in high school, you might recall that the mitochondria is referred to as the “powerhouse” […]

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Health Benefits of Ceylon Cinnamon

Cinnamon harvesters enter the jungles of Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and the Indonesian island of Sumatra with simple tools to retrieve the sweet mystical Ceylon Cinnamon. This spice is known as a symbol of love, fertility, spirituality, and protection. Ceylon cinnamon is found in the inner bark of the Evergreen Cinnamon trees. Ceylon Cinnamon is formed […]

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Holistic Healthcare: Feeding The Mind, Body and Soul

More Americans than ever before are turning to holistic medicine. A big reason for this shift is the rising cost of… pretty much everything, but especially healthcare. There are many ways to take care of our health without turning to conventional medicine and racking up mountains of expensive doctor’s bills. Of course, there are times […]

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Wearable Technology Is A Hot Commodity

Technology has evolved at such a rapid pace that keeping up with it could be a full-time job. For example, you walk out of your local cell phone store, happy as a yogi in a sweat lodge, with the latest model iPhone only to come face to face with a billboard advertising the next generation […]

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The Microbiome Is Revolutionizing Skincare

Most of us know by now that overexposure to the sun is the number one offender when it comes to damage to your skin. If you were a sun-worshiper, beach-baby (or beach-bum) when you were younger, your theory was most likely “the tanner the better.” Slap on that baby oil and lay back with your […]

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Clean Air, Clean Health

When we think about caring for our health our thoughts are usually drawn to the foods we eat, supplements and vitamins we take or the amount of exercise we have (or have not) been implementing in our daily routine. What may be last on the list is the air we are breathing within our own […]

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Functional Mushrooms Explode On The Market

The Power of food! Before fast food mega-chains and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) were even a twinkle in a future billionaire’s eye, in many parts of the world food was intentionally used for healing and medicinal purposes. For thousands of years certain types of foods have been known to have capabilities beyond their basic nutritional […]

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The Importance of Balanced Hormones & Adaptogens to Support Sexual Health

The Pharmaceutical industry is overflowing with medications that prey on the fears and insecurities of men and women who may be experiencing sexual health issues. This fear of not being “normal” (normal is only found as a setting on a dryer) as far as your sexual health is concerned, leads many to wasting time, money […]

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